Monday, April 30, 2012

Ball Slams


Keeping your hands down near the ground when you slam ball makes it easier to catch (and therefore finish the rep), while allowing you to repeat the motion again.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Your New RSVP System

RSVP or Burpees!

Our new RSVP system for Foundation Athletics is now up and running for all our current athletes!

  • Click on the link above.
  • Choose the class(es) you plan to attend.
  • Log-in if you already have a ZenPlanner account.
  • If you don't have a ZenPlanner account yet, choose your membership level (we'll take care of your account billing info until further notice), which will then allow you to sign-up for a membership.
  • Your email and password will be generated and TADA! You are now RSVP'ed!
  • You will use this email and password every time you RSVP.
We are currently in transition between two systems. We have a separate system (MBO) for billing until we can switch it over. So you will have to create a new account/password for ZenPlanner. If you have any questions about the RSVP process, please email or see a trainer.

what the page looks like

*Note: If you are not yet a Foundation Athletics member, please email us at to schedule your FREE orientation session!

And as always, non-RSVPers result in... wait for it... BURPEES!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



In any squatting movement, shoving your knees out will help create torque, or rotational tension, so that we actively use more of our musculature.

This will translate into better movement and therefore, more efficient work.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Movement: Ring Row

The ring row is an amazing exercise to learn proper scapular retraction, where your shoulder blades pinch together and the elbows pull through the body.

Becoming efficient in this movement leads to strength for the pullup, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, and other hanging exercises.


How deep of an angle can you pull from?


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


the ladies and the floor press

Having a great set of spotters helps maintain safety, camaraderie, motivation and encouragement.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Atlas works out at SLU

Skills, skills, skills

Above Dave performs a turkish getup with a medicine ball- it's light, but the circumference is too large to palm so balance is must!


Oldie but goodie from Foundation CrossFit:

When will you get yours?


Thursday, April 5, 2012


M. Leventi gets his first unassisted pullup, therefore becoming the first name on the Foundation Athletics Pullup Club!

Mr. Leventi

and then M. Hoepf ("Heff") proves his muscle-up... this time on camera!

Anyone else planning to earn their ways into one of these clubs?


Monday, April 2, 2012

A 165kg BS

Erik back squats 165kg/363# at the 7am class this morning: