Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bars + A plan

I love the look of new bars- it gets me excited to break them in.

And here are some plans for a new project: a legit set of gymnastics rings

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helping hands

Adrian, Tammy, Boo Boo and Bullet came by to help out! Andrew V, Max, Rhino and Pao all set the stage by setting a bunch of mats down the past couple of days. Today we tried setting up all the weird cuts necessary to cover the rest of the front in matting.

Click any of the pictures to enlarge:

And then yesterday our Rogue order came in!


Yeah dude- it's on.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Starting to look like a gym

Some updates:
  • Found some spools on Craigslist. Thought they would be perfect for training mushroom. Little did we know, these were industrial electrical company ones... so tables they became!
  • Boxes of slam balls were delivered. Thanks FedEx.
  • Matted the majority of the front of the gym. Phase 1 is using the front primarily, pushing back as the athlete pool grows.
  • Orin brought his bawesome couch out of storage for our use. Super dope because of the reclining/drink holder feature. I smell movie nights!
  • Lucked out on cubbies! A daycare was remodeling and were throwing these out. We took everything they had, and it looks like we won't even use them all.
  • We decided to use the downstairs offices as a workshop and as material storage.
  • Now awaiting for the rest of our equipment orders!
slam balls

waiting to be taken


working in 'the shop': Pao, Rhino, and Max

Thursday, September 15, 2011


King Feed (?) delivered four pallets worth of mats to us today. 

Luckily I had Max, Rhino, Pao, and AV helping out. This are ridiculously difficult to handle.

The arrival

Ready to go



(Not even) 3 1/2 pallets to go!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"We Require Additional Pylons"

A 3-sided plyo box (20/24/30") and one set of jerk boxes (24kg kettlebell for scale).