Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Newest Schedule

Our new schedule starts Tuesday. Please note the shifts in classes We will run a limited schedule for tomorrow (Memorial Day):

Monday 5/28
  • 7:30am
  • 12pm
  • 5pm
  • 7pm
The WOD will be "MURPH".

Tuesday 5/29 and on:

click to enlarge


Monday, May 21, 2012

Eat Better to Live Better Nutrition Challenge

Big thanks to everyone who showed up to the Informational Kickoff Party on Saturday! If anybody is interested but couldn't make it, the following post provides the info you need to start the challenge. Hope you all have been mentally preparing (and food prepping)!



The five week challenge starts today Monday, 5/21. What are our guidelines? They're pretty simple- we want you to focus on eating real food: meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. For the newer athletes, we will start off easy and remove certain types of foods weekly and for the experienced athletes, we will be challenging you to be as a strict as possible.

To register follow this link:

We will send you your username and password to access the site. The $35 registration feel will account towards your special edition t-shirt and also weekly prizes through out the challenge. We are requiring you to journal your food for the first two weeks. To keep you engaged we will also have mini-challenges each week with up to five winners, and at the end reward a Spirit of the Challenge award!

We would like you to submit a "before" photo as well. Please send them to with a front, side, and back view. Gentlemen, shorts only. Ladies, sports bra top and shorts. These will be kept private. Please send them by Wednesday night 5/23.

Freshly caught!

Then freshly cooked!

Any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you and we look forward to going on this journey with you!

The Nutrition Challenge Team
Foundation Athletics | Foundation CrossFit


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A delayed congrats

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The last graduating class of Foundations!

Who's up next?


Monday, May 14, 2012

Ready for Running?

Anyone ready for a weekly running club?

What day(s) would work best for you? How does Wednesday or Thursday sound?


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guardian Krav Maga

click to enlarge

Guardian Krav Maga debuts this Saturday at 12:00pm at Foundation Athletics. Pay per class!
There will be NO 12pm Strength & Conditioning class so that we may make room for this event.

*** Please not that these is NO parking in the alley. There is a pay lot ($2 all day on weekends, and plenty of street parking on the surrounding block).


Monday, May 7, 2012

New Schedule

Another FOUNDATIONS group has graduated, meaning you'll have some new faces to get to know!

That also means more classes until the next On-Ramp begins!

click to enlarge

RSVP by way of ZenPlanner!
